Tapas Karmakar
BACKGROUND : Eldest son of a very poor family, was a very intelligent student , but had to leave school after 5th standard and earn money to support his family. His father was working away from home and Tapas was left with responsibilities of his family. Worst days signaled him to start working soon, so childhood stayed very little with him. His mother expired in 2005, was a big moral setback for Tapas.
HOW LEARNED : At the age of 13 years Tapas, started his career just like the two Karmakar brothers, but with no-one’s guidance. He had a keen interest in learning this craft in depth, so visited his next door neighbor Shri Shibaram Karmakar. He learned almost 2 years from him and superceeded his mentor. Then he started searching for advanced work and met Shri Montu Singhababu and got trained for a year. At the completion of 1 year both the student and teacher felt the necessity of a new mentor and guidance. The search ended at Shri Manik and Sanatan Karmakar’s workshop. For the next 21 years Tapas got trained specially by Shri Sanatan Karmakar, and this TRIO has created history in the field of stone sculpture for the people of Susunia to cherish.
FAMILY SET-UP : Married to Mrs. Jhuma Karmakar, a home-maker, blessed with a daughter and a son.
Brother : Samir Karmakar, age 29 years, supporting in his work
Father and two paternal aunties also in the family.
EXPERIENCE : 25 years of experience and still going on by teaching the next generation too.
SPECIALITY : ….in making miniatures- to be viewed under a magnifying glass, Gods & Goddesses and live statues.
STATE AWARD, 2005-2006.